
2023年7月3日—PersonalVaultwillbeincludedwithbothfreeandBasicplans(startingat$19.99/year)withlimitstothenumberoffilesyoucanadd.,Microsoft'sOneDrivePersonalVaultisafeaturethatisavailableperdefaultineveryOneDrivecloudstoragesincetheendof2019.,2022年10月24日—TotakefulladvantageofthePersonalVault,youneedaMicrosoft365FamilyorPersonalsubscription.Witheitherplan,youcanaddasmany ...,,OneDrive中的個人保...

A deep dive into OneDrive Personal Vault

2023年7月3日 — Personal Vault will be included with both free and Basic plans (starting at $19.99/year) with limits to the number of files you can add.

How Secure is Microsoft's OneDrive Personal Vault?

Microsoft's OneDrive Personal Vault is a feature that is available per default in every OneDrive cloud storage since the end of 2019.

How to secure your sensitive OneDrive files with a ...

2022年10月24日 — To take full advantage of the Personal Vault, you need a Microsoft 365 Family or Personal subscription. With either plan, you can add as many ...

Microsoft OneDrive

OneDrive 中的個人保存庫受身分識別驗證的保護,因此您可以將最具敏感性的檔案儲存在雲端中,而不會失去隨時隨地存取的便利。 移至我的OneDrive.

OneDrive Personal Vault brings added security to your ...

2019年6月25日 — Personal Vault is a protected area in OneDrive that you can only access with a strong authentication method or a second step of identity ...

OneDrive Personal Vault: How to use it to stash your ultra

2022年2月2日 — Viewing or modifying files in the OneDrive Personal Vault requires an additional code—sent via email or text message by default—and on Windows ...

Personal Vault: Store Sensitive Files

Personal Vault adds to OneDrive's robust security which includes file encryption, scanning for viruses, and monitoring for suspicious activity.

Protect your OneDrive files in Personal Vault

Personal Vault is a protected area in OneDrive where you can store your most important or sensitive files and photos without sacrificing the convenience of ...


Personal Vault is a protected folder within OneDrive that can only be accessed with a second step of identity verification. Watch this video to learn how to ...